Vibes earplugs can help you protect your ears when you ride. Well, really any earplugs can. But Vibes thinks it does hearing protection better.
Recently the Vibes team reached out to me to see if I’d want to write a Vibes earplugs review. I said sure, so they sent me some earplugs to test out.
I was actually pretty excited to test them out. Here’s what I found.
Hearing Loss and Motorcycles

Hearing loss and motorcycles, unfortunately, go together. The simple fact of the matter is that anything over 45 mph can be damaging to your hearing. It’s the combination of your engine’s sound and the sound of the wind.
I’ve tested noise-canceling helmets before for Web Bike World. When I tested the Quiet Ride Helmet, I found it to be an excellent solution. However, a part of me found the system to be a little cumbersome. It’s much easier to just toss in some earplugs and go for a ride.
The issue with most earplugs is that they block out all kinds of noise. Some things you want to hear. Vibes earplugs are supposed to work differently, so I was excited to see how well they worked.
What are Vibes Earplugs?

Vibes calls its earplugs High-Fidelity earplugs. Designed for live concerts, Vibes are designed to enhance the sound not simply block it.
This means the noise comes to your ears and is clear, clean, and controlled. Vibes says its earplugs “deliver the best possible listening experience and sound quality.”
I haven’t tested a ton of earplugs other than what I can get at the local supermarket. The typical earplugs are designed to block out noise and reduce it as much as possible. I’ve found these to be uncomfortable and not too great because they block out too much.
So, the idea of Vibes is an interesting one for motorcycle riders.
Do Vibes Earplugs Work?

Yes, they actually work quite well. Vibes earplugs let you hear more things than you would be able to with some other earplugs I’ve tested, but they take the harshness or edge out of the noises.
So, what you get is the ability to hear everything, but with a reduced risk to your hearing.
Vibes and Noise Levels on a Motorcycle
I rode a few hundred miles wearing the Vibes earplugs. They did a good job of reducing the noise levels experienced out on the road without eliminating it fully. They cut down on wind noise, allowing me to more easily hear my bike’s engine at speed.
The Vibes I received reduce noise levels by 15 decibels. OSHA says anything over 90 decibels for an extended period of time will damage your hearing. At 65 mph on a motorcycle, you’ll usually experience noise at 100 decibels primarily from the wind.
This means vibes would bring your noise level on the bike down to levels that would not damage your hearing. They get a thumbs up from me for hearing protection.
Vibes Comfort Level
I’ve worn several types of earplugs. All of them hurt my ears after a while. Part of this is because I have cauliflower ears from a decade of amateur wrestling. My ears are pretty jacked up, and I can’t wear most earbuds, and earplugs are usually uncomfortable.
However, Vibes actually fit. The package came with some different sizes for the plugs (you can see in the pictures).
I wore these for several hours and found them to be extremely comfortable. I actually forgot they were in.
With Vibes, you don’t push these into your ear canal very far. You put them into your ears like you would earbuds. As long as you get a good seal you’ll experience the benefits.
I did have some trouble pulling my full-face helmet over my head and keeping the earplugs in place, but once the helmet was in place and the earplugs were in, I had no other issues.
Should You Buy Some?

At an MSRP $23.98, the earplugs are more expensive than most other options out there, but I’d argue they’re a superior product. You get some top quality earplugs with a handy little carrying case.
Here’s what comes with every sale:
- 1 pair of earplugs
- 3 interchangeable fit sizes (small, medium, large)
- Pocket sized hard case for easy storage
- Contribution to Hear The World Foundation
Can you wear other earplugs and still get good hearing protection? Of course, and you’ll pay less money, too. However, I’ve found those to be less comfortable and that they don’t provide the same level of performance.