Video: Zombie Bikes! with Zack and Ari for MotorTrend

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Zack and Ari are now shooting vids for Revzilla, but they were with MotorTrend not long ago.

Recently, MotorTrend did a wonderful thing and uploaded more of the Throttle Out series with these guys to its YouTube channel.

This episode is all about taking junk bikes and getting them running. The scenario was what would the guys do if there was a Zombie apocalypse.

Zack manages to pick up a Honda CX500 that after some real work he ends up getting running and working well enough

Ari grabs a Yamaha YZ 80 dirt bike and after making a few modifications and getting running it’s also good enough to go.

From there it’s to the Zombie paintball playground where they get after some Zombie killing.

Author: Wade Thiel

Wade started Wind Burned Eyes and runs it. He's always up for chatting, so feel free to reach out.