Pizza delivery is a good test of any vehicle, but there’s something special about using motorcycles to get the job done. Ari Henning and Zack Courts of Revzilla decided to see if the Kawasaki Z H2 and Triumph Rocket 3 are the right bikes to get the job done.
The Z H2 and Triumph Rocket 3 are insanely fast machines, but are they really the fastest delivery machines? Watch the video above to find out.
There’s more than just some silly pizza delivery fun to be had here. The guys do a good job reviewing the bikes, too.
The Kawasaki Z H2 is a wild supercharged machine, and the Triumph Rocket 3 has a massive 2,500cc engine that’s … well, as big as some car engines.
The guys give you their impressions of the bikes in the video above, and they also drag race them several times. The Rocket 3 blows the H2 away off the line, but once the Kawasaki gets its feet under it, the bike outruns the Triumph fairly easily.

The video proves that these bikes would cut it as delivery machines, but it proves even more just how amazing these high-powered (and high priced) machines really are.
Overall, though, the video really just shows that Zack and Ari are highly entertaining and that pizza should be for dinner tonight.
For a detailed review of the Kawasaki Z H2 on Common Tread click here.
For a detailed review of the Triumph Rocket 3 on Common Tread click here.