The Frog helmet support is a unique solution for a simple problem that all riders have.
I don’t know about you but I don’t leave my helmet with my bike when I park it. This means that I have to take it with me wherever I go and find a good place to put it. This isn’t always easy. That’s why The Frog helmet support was created.
It’s here to make it so you can set your helmet on a table, the ground, or really any flat surface and not worry about it falling.
The folks behind the project reached out to me and showed me their Kickstarter page. At first I thought it was a little odd, but the more I thought about it, the more I realized how helpful this could be.

I go to coffee shops all the time and have issues finding a good place to put my helmet where it isn’t going to roll or fall. This solves that.
There are two types of The Frog. First, there’s one that fits in your pocket. Second, there’s one that has an adhesive and actually attaches to your helmet.
While the second one might look a little funny, you won’t forget your Frog and will always have it with you when you need it. I highly recommend you check out the Kickstarter page. Watch the video and think about how this simple, innovative product can help your life.
You can also check out the simple video below that showcases the product really quickly.