Kansas City Could Outlaw Wheelies

A motorcyclist performing a wheelie

In the heartland of America, Kansas City is considering a curious ordinance that could send wheelie enthusiasts into a tailspin.

A proposed law aims to outlaw “dangerous driving behaviors,” which includes operating any vehicle—be it motorcycle, ATV, or even car—with fewer than all wheels in contact with the ground. Yes, you read that right. Wheelies in cars.

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No More Wheelies in Kansas City

Councilman Wes Rogers, the brains behind this proposed legislation, hopes to improve public safety by quelling what he sees as reckless antics. But one can’t help but wonder: does KC have a secret epidemic of Funny Cars pulling wheelies down Main Street? Or are sportbike riders and Harley bros popping wheelies on the regular?

The ordinance has to clear the city’s Transportation, Infrastructure, and Operations Committee before it can be enforced, but the proposed penalties are no joke. First-time offenders might face up to 180 days in jail, with fines ranging from $250 to $1,000. For repeat thrill-seekers, the punishment stiffens to include mandatory community service or 48 hours of “shock imprisonment.”

While it’s easy to chuckle at the absurdity of banning wheelies in cars, the ordinance’s broader aim is serious—keeping all wheels firmly grounded in the name of safety. If the law passes, Kansas City riders better keep their front wheels where the cops can see them. After all, a good wheelie might be thrilling, but a ticket—or worse—won’t feel so light on your wallet. Think twice before going full Evel Knievel.

Source: RideApart

Author: Wade Thiel

Wade started Wind Burned Eyes and runs it. He's always up for chatting, so feel free to reach out.