5 Best Harley-Davidson Motorcycles of 2020

Harley-Davidson is one of the most celebrated and iconic motorcycle companies in the world. Because of that, I wanted to highlight the best Harley-Davidson motorcycles of 2020.

The motorcycle company is struggling these days due to an aging demographic and some issues with its image, but it’s making moves to change that, and there are some real winners in the lineup.

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Barista Harley-Davidson Sportster by Mainhattan Choppers

This amazing build called the Barista Harley-Davidson Sportster built by Mainhattan Choppers is a true work of art.

Every once in awhile there’s a bike that will catch your eye and not let it go. That’s exactly what this Barista Harley-Davidson Sportster by Mainhattan Choppers did to me.

I saw it one morning and couldn’t stop thinking about it all day long. The bike is a seriously cool machine.

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