Roundup: 3 Best Motorcycle News Stories of the Week – September 11

bimota tesi h2

At the end of every week, I try to do a roundup of the most important motorcycle news stories of the week.

This week, Royal Enfield, Bimota, and the 2020 Sturgis Motorcycle Rally made the biggest waves in the news.

Let’s dive in and see some details.

Royal Enfield to Open Its Argentina Plant

Royal Enfield has a plant that it is set to open in Argentina. This should help the company expand its footprint worldwide, and allow it to make more variants of the 650cc motorcycle.

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Bimota Tesi H2 Preorders Open, Sort Of

The Bimota Tesi H2 is now open for preorders, but there’s a catch. The bike costs $75,000 and it’s available only to European buyers and they’re doing a limited run of 250. They will open sales up do other markets later on, though.

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A Study Links Sturgis Rally to 250,000 COVID-19 Cases

There is a study that linked the Sturgis rally to 250,000 COVID-19 cases. However, it’s not peer-reviewed and it South Dakota politicians and health officials dispute the validity of the study.

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Author: Wade Thiel

Wade started Wind Burned Eyes and runs it. He's always up for chatting, so feel free to reach out.