Roundup: 3 Best Motorcycle News Stories of the Week – March 20

Cleveland CycleWerks Falon Reveal

A Bike From Amazon, ECE Updates, and Cleveland CycleWerks

I could have done a full news roundup on the Coronavirus, or COVID-19, but all you need to know is that factories and facilities across the globe are shutting down.

That’s actually why I’m getting this news roundup up so late today. The world is turning into a crazy place.

Despite this, there are still some bright spots out there in the world of motorcycles. Here are the top three motorcycle news stories I covered over at Web Bike World.

Torture Test of a Motorcycle Bought on Amazon

The guys at Bikes and Beards Youtube channel bought the most expensive bike they could find and then beat the shit out of it to see how much abuse it can take. The bike actually takes it all like a champ.

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ECE Will Update Its Standard

ECE, the helmet safety standard for Europe, is getting an update. There are a ton of new safety tests being added to the standard and this should make an ECE-rated helmet a hell of a lot safer, actually.

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Cleveland CycleWerks Reveals Its Electric Bike

The motorcycle looks fantastic. Unfortunately, CCW couldn’t do the type of reveal it wanted to because of the Coronavirus, but the guys went ahead and did a Facebook Live reveal, and the electric bike looks like it could be a true competitor.

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Author: Wade Thiel

Wade started Wind Burned Eyes and runs it. He's always up for chatting, so feel free to reach out.