ICON 1000 – Airmada Sauvetage Deux

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ICON 1000’s Airmada Sauvetage Deux is the outlandish and wild helmet you’ve been looking for.

Are you tired of the standard black helmets? Need something with a little more attitude? ICON 1000’s Airmada Sauvetage Deux is exactly what you need to shake things up.

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There’s no other print like it. It takes an animal print to a whole new, almost demonic level by pairing it with a wide grin. A wild animal not yet discovered.

ICON claims it knew what it had with the Sauvetage graphic, but I highly doubt that. It’s a bold and new look for the full-face helmet design with a super-villain Venom-like grin.

This isn’t the helmet for someone who wants to hide in the shadows. If you’re looking to make a statement, you’ll do no better.

Author: Wade Thiel

Wade started Wind Burned Eyes and runs it. He's always up for chatting, so feel free to reach out.