Huck Cycles Stinger Electric Motorcycle US Production Starts

At city-focused EV begins production in North Carolina.

Huck Cycles Stinger in red

The Huck Cycles Stinger is a cool little electric motorcycle with a nominal power rating of 3kW coming from a rear hub motor. The standard model peaks at 6kW and the performance model peaks at 8.5 kW. The best thing about the Stinger? Huck Cycles is beginning production of the model.

Huck Cycles Stinger Could Be a Great Option for Many Riders

In the world of high-priced electric motorcycles. The Stinger stands out as a semi-affordable option. It costs $8,690, but you get a lot for your money.

All Huck Cycles’ bikes are handmade in the US, and many of the parts are made near the North Carolina assembly facility. The Stinger looks the be a great bike. It weighs about 200 pounds, has a seat height between 30-32 inches, features dual-piston hydraulic disc brakes, and has 17-inch wheels.

Huck cycles stinger production begins
Image from Huck Cycles

As I hinted at above, there are two versions: standard and performance. The standard version can do a top speed of 45 mph with a range of 100 miles at lower speeds and about 45 miles if flogged at top speed all the time. The performance version can do a top speed of 55 mph with a range roughly the same as the standard, depending on how heavily you throttle the bike.

This bike is a great option for a city rider who needs something that gets them around at reasonably high speeds for urban environments.

Learn more at Huck Cycle’s website.

Author: Wade Thiel

Wade started Wind Burned Eyes and runs it. He's always up for chatting, so feel free to reach out.