CAKE Delivered the Kalk AP for Anti-Poaching Efforts in Africa

Cake Kalk AP used by SAWC

Cake has delivered its first batch of electric anti-poaching bush bikes to Africa.

The motorcycles were delivered to the Southern African Wildlife College (SAWC). The SAWC is now using these bikes to increase the efficiency of combating poaching.

This is a great initiative by Cake and its motorcycles—specifically the Kalk—are uniquely positioned to make a difference here.

Helping to Stop Poaching in Africa, Cake Steps Up its Game

Cake Kalk AP used by SAWC

The SAWC worked with Cake to develop a bike built for the unique challenges of the African bush and the harsh environments there.

The Kalk AP is the bike. It combines off-road performance with a lightweight frame, sealed drivetrain, and more robust suspension. This design will allow the SAWC rangers to move without alerting poachers.

Mobile solar charging stations designed and built by Goal Zero will allow rangers to take bikes deep into the bush and operate far from the electrical grid.

“It’s great to see that the first batch of Kalk APs has made it to Africa, ready to change the game when it comes to fighting poaching in the most threatened wildlife areas. With fast, quiet, and solar-powered driven bikes, we increase our chances of countering poaching and can truly make an impact in the region. This is only the beginning, we will continue to ship bikes to the SAWC to strengthen their anti-poaching work”, says CAKE’s founder and CEO Stefan Ytterborn.

The SACW rangers seemed equally excited as Cake’s CEO.

“The petrol bikes we’ve used previously have all been loud, heavy, and expensive to keep running in these areas. The CAKE bikes are quiet, which makes it easier for us to approach poachers undetected. We hope this collaboration will result in more effective anti-poaching in our region and we are really excited to start using the bikes in the wild.” says Mfana Xaba, Anti-poaching Team Leader at theSouthern African Wildlife College.

Cake has also set up a Limited-Edition Charity Bundle, which offers the first 50 customers the option to buy one Kalk AP at a charity price while donating another Kalk AP to the SAWC. Every donation comes with the solar-powered charging station and solar cells from Goal Zero.

Additionally, a line of garments is being introduced. Five percent of net sales will be invested in the SAWC to accelerate the progress of this program.

Author: Wade Thiel

Wade started Wind Burned Eyes and runs it. He's always up for chatting, so feel free to reach out.