White Motorcycle Concepts Reveals Electric Land Speed Racer Design Sketches

White Motorcycle Concepts V-Air Duct

White Motorcycle Concepts has revealed its WMC250EV land speed record-chasing motorcycle, and then shared some of the various design sketches it has.

This electric motorcycle has some of the most interesting aero technology of any motorcycle I’ve ever seen.

The aero is called the V-Air duct and it’s a genuinely interesting creation.

Unique Aero Tech from White Motorcycle Concepts

White Motor Concepts (WMC) provided Cycle World with the design sketches. These sketches illustrate how road-going machines could be designed around this V-Air duct that would send air right down a massive channel at the front of the machine.

This massive V-Air duct, however, forces some unique designs. Right where the nose of a typical motorcycle would be, you’ll find what’s essentially a large hole.

That means the actual nose or front of the bike sits higher than is typical of most modern machines. Still, this choice to use the V-Air duct could be a smart one. WMC has designs for a sportbike (above) and a touring motorcycle (below).

It will be interesting to see if this kind of unique aero makes it all the way to market. While I think it’s cool, I hesitate to think that it will become mainstream. Seems too odd of a design, and I wonder how big of a difference it really makes.

Author: Wade Thiel

Wade started Wind Burned Eyes and runs it. He's always up for chatting, so feel free to reach out.

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