The Best Motorcycle Brake Upgrades

If you’ve noticed your brake lever feeling kind of spongey or just not been impressed with how your bike stops, then you should think about motorcycle brake upgrades.

Too many of us motorcycle riders are worried about one thing, speed. Going fast is great and all, but you have to be able to slow down and stop, too.

Ari Henning goes through the things you should do to improve your motorcycle’s braking performance, and

Getting the Best Motorcycle Brake Upgrades for Your Bike

Image by Austris Augusts from Unsplash

If you want some links to what Ari is talking about in the video above, check out the links below.

If you’re not interested in upgrading your motorcycle brakes, but you know they need service, Revzilla offers all of that, too. If you don’t feel up to doing the service yourself, then you can head to a local shop, but I’d say to try to do it yourself. You’ll save money and learn valuable skills along the way.

Author: Wade Thiel

Wade started Wind Burned Eyes and runs it. He's always up for chatting, so feel free to reach out.

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