Muff Customs Honda XR600 Scrambler

The Honda XR600 seems to be a fantastic motorcycle to make into a scrambler.

Luke’s ride is exactly the kind of Honda scrambler I love.

If you want a multipurpose bike with plenty of style, you should get a scrambler. That’s what Luke’s Honda XR600 is, and it’s awesome.

The Honda XL600 is a big old thumper, and Luke’s build has a whole lot of killer equipment on it with a signature, minimalist style.

The motorcycle was built by Muff Customs, and it is a really stripped-down machine.

The bike even lacks an electric start, opting instead for a kickstarter.

The Bike Shed profiled his bike in the video above.

Author: Wade Thiel

Wade started Wind Burned Eyes and runs it. He's always up for chatting, so feel free to reach out.

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