NOWLAB Built the World’s First Fully 3D Printed E-Motorcycle

It’s not a production motorcycle … yet.

A group called NOWLAB, which is a consultancy for a German 3D printing company called BigRep has built a cool 3D printed e-motorcycle.

Not some of it was 3D printed. Not just the body. The whole dang thing, excluding the electrical components, of course.

This is one cool ride, and it might be the future for building bikes.

The 3D printed e-motorcycle gets electric power to the rear wheel. It’s made up of about 15 3D printed parts and with everything included it weighs about 132 pounds.

photo: NOWLAB@BigRep

Instead of typical suspension, the bike gets flexible bumper thingies and airless tires. The front tire is a little softer than the rear. NOWLAB says it has embedded electronics and forkless steering, too.

All I know is that it’s a super cool sci-fi-looking bike that I think someone should build into a production machine. That is if it doesn’t actually suck to ride.

Author: Wade Thiel

Wade started Wind Burned Eyes and runs it. He's always up for chatting, so feel free to reach out.

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