Colorado’s Lane Filtering Law Causes Confusion

Motorcycle lane filtering in colorado

Colorado put a lane filtering law in place on August 7. It is causing some issues. Apparently, people are unclear whether or not riders should be passing cars in the same lane or if they can cross into another lane.

Not All Lane Filtering Laws are the Same

The Colorado law allows motorcyclists to pass stopped vehicles within the same lane if traffic is stationary, the lane is wide enough, and the motorcycle moves at 15 mph or less.

It emphasizes that lane filtering is an option, not a requirement, and riders should be cautious since they bear responsibility in case of accidents. If it is unsafe to do so, or if there’s not enough room, a rider should not pass.

The law aims to clarify rights and safety measures for both riders and drivers, but many people seem to be confused as to what the details of the law mean.

In a local news article, someone wrote in that they see cars blocking or pulling to the left to keep motorcyclists from filtering. There’s also some confusion if riders can go over the lines or if they must stay in the lane.

Image from Unsplash.

First up, lane filtering laws are not all the same, and a different state can have different nuances. Second, any driver who purposefully blocks a motorcyclist from filtering is a dangerous idiot. Lane filtering reduces traffic congestion, so car drivers should welcome it. Third, riders should adhere to the law and not push the envelope if there is not enough room to pass.

In my mind, there are three things going on. First people don’t know the law. Second, they don’t like the law and are blocking motorcyclists. Third, motorcyclists are breaking or bending the rules to get through traffic quicker, likely making issues and confusion worse.

Lane filtering when done right is an excellent practice, and so is lane splitting. They can be done safely if everyone follows the laws. I wrote an article on lane splitting and lane filtering if you have questions.

Author: Wade Thiel

Wade started Wind Burned Eyes and runs it. He's always up for chatting, so feel free to reach out.

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